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Cavities Explained By Your Dental Practice

Cavities Explained By Your Dental Practice

Good dental practice stresses that developing cavities is a common health issue. Cavities affect the elderly, adults, teenagers, and children. The accumulation of bacteria results in plaque. Because plaque is sticky, it keeps pouring acids on teeth. This destroys the enamel layer. When this happens, cavities appear in the form of holes in teeth.Cavities come…

Flossing And Brushing Tips From Your Dental Practice

Flossing And Brushing Tips From Your Dental Practice

Each dental practice has its specializations when it comes to oral care. Even so, they have one thing in common. Dental practices provide valuable brushing and flossing tips. The aim of doing so is to guide patients as they go about their personal oral hygiene practices.Plaque transforms into tartar in 24-36 hours. When it comes…